RPG Club, Telling Tales and Celebrating Fails

Archive for 2025

RPG Club, Telling Tales and Celebrating Fails

Collaborative Storytelling and Role Playing Games (RPG) Club is about making up and telling stories together, with the dice...

Mastering French Classroom Instructions!

1M have been learning how to give and follow classroom instructions to each other in French this week. The...

Heather Hansen Art Inspiration

Year 6 have begun their new project ‘Structures’ in Art. The explored the work of performance artist, Heather Hansen...

Breakfast Club – Batfink Makes a Surprise Visit

The Reception children have been reading the book ‘Batfink’ this week. As a surprise ‘Batfink’ decided to pay a...

Junior Green Team Share Their Environmental Voice

Our junior green team reps from each class in the Prep School met today to share their views and...

Energetic Fun at Team Games Club

Team Games Club has got off to an energetic start this term with the cold weather not stopping the...

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