Periscopes Up!

Periscopes Up!

As a final, hands-on construction project, Year 6 looked through the eye of the physics unit to make their own periscopes and put into practice the rules of reflection and light travelling in straight lines. With the bare minimum of guidance from some picture instructions and a couple of heads-up tips with precision folding, Year 6 undertook the making of their own periscopes from scratch.

Much fun was had with the use of these, with some sharing to look through two at a time to get extra height, or trying to use one on each eye!

I have to say what an absolute joy these practicals have been with Year 6 and the results have been nothing short of ingenious, inspirational and impressive. I hope they can take these experiences along with all the other hands-on skills from this year and thoroughly enjoy taking them further as they enter Year 7. We all wish you the very best.

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