Year 5 Introduce World Space Week

Year 5 Introduce World Space Week

Year 5 took the school on an intergalactic journey as they introduced ‘World Space Week’. The whole of Year 5 chose topics from the International Space Station (ISS), how you become an astronaut and what each of the planets is like, to the life and works of Gustav Holst and his composition of The Planets Suite for Orchestra.

World Space Week is the largest annual space event in the world and each year a theme is selected to increase international awareness of a particular topic – this year the theme is “Space & Climate Change.” It is celebrated each year between 4-10 October as it marks the anniversary of the first human-made Sputnik 1 satellite launch (4 October 1957) and the launch of the most important space treaty written, which governs exploration of outer space, moon and other celestial bodies (10 October 1967).

Each group worked collaboratively to produce slides for the assembly to accompany cue cards so they could deliver their research to the packed assembly.

In addition to creating this assembly, in lessons, Year 5 have been making news reports to reveal how stars are made and how they can become black holes when they come to the end of their life cycle.

Using technology to research the information and make the presentations, to then being filmed delivering this information as if we were broadcast journalists or reporters really helped us learn so many interesting facts and bring the topic of space to life on earth!  

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