Reception Explore the Arctic and Antarctic

Reception Explore the Arctic and Antarctic

Over the past two weeks, our Reception children have embarked on an exciting journey to the icy realms of the Arctic and Antarctic! The children have been captivated by the wonders of these frozen landscapes, learning about the unique animals and environments that exist there.

A highlight of our exploration was learning all about penguins! The children discovered fascinating facts about these flightless birds, from their waddling walk to their ability to slide on their bellies across the ice. They also enjoyed creating penguin-themed crafts and reading stories, which brought their new knowledge to life.

To complement our scientific discoveries, the children got creative by exploring the work of artist Wassily Kandinsky. They looked at his concentric circle designs and used cold colours like blues, purples, and whites to replicate their own circular artworks. It was wonderful to see them embrace both the colours of the icy world they were learning about and Kandinsky’s abstract style.

The fun didn’t stop there! The children got stuck into hands-on experiences investigating ice. They observed how ice melts, explored freezing and thawing processes, and even tried to break blocks of ice open to discover hidden treasures inside. The sensory experience was a hit, and there were lots of giggles as the children got their hands cold in the name of science!

To round off a fabulous, fun fortnight, we learnt songs about the Arctic and Antarctic and thoroughly enjoyed singing them. We are so proud of how the Reception children have engaged with this fascinating theme and we look forward to continuing our adventures together!

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