ISI Inspection
Highlights from the Inspection Report November 2023:
Please click here to view the full November 2023 ISI Inspection for Caterham Prep School.
Pupils’ knowledge, understanding and application of technological skills are a significant strength of the school. This is the result of decisions made by leaders to focus on and resource this area. The quality of pupils’ digital work is extremely high. The highly effective and adaptive use of technology is woven throughout the entire curriculum. Technological skills, including coding and the use of artificial intelligence, are taught through the technology curriculum, which provides pupils with skills for life beyond school that are applied across all areas of learning and prepare them for life beyond school read more…
Leaders consider pupils’ welfare carefully. A pastoral structure is in place to nurture pupils. There are supportive relationships between pupils and teachers. Pupils’ wellbeing is actively promoted through the taught curriculum as well as through form time and assemblies when pupils are encourage to reflects on issues affecting their lives. Pupils develop the skills they need to navigate the transition to senior school successfully and to be confident in themselves through the many opportunities they have to take on responsibilities and to participate in school life read more…
Pupils are respectful and treat each other well. They understand who to talk to if problems arise. They show a clear moral understanding of right and wrong. Pupils are encouraged by leaders to become ‘courageous reporters’ and as a result they learn to look after themselves and each other well read more…
Pupils excel in a wide range of activities as a result of the wealth of opportunities available to them read more…
There is a diverse range of extra-curricular opportunities for pupils which they enjoy. Sports teams are open to pupils of all abilities and aptitudes and pupils enjoy the opportunity to participate. Pupils benefit from a wide range of outdoor learning and recreational facilities on site, which are well used and support their physical and aesthetic skills read more…
Leaders actively encourage a culture of inclusion and pupils show respect for different groups of people in the school and beyond. Pupils care about their school and the people in it. Older pupils value the opportunities they have to serve the school community as monitors and they take this responsibility seriously. Leaders continuously affirm pupils’ efforts and achievements through positive praise and through the awards system. Consequently, pupils acclaim the successes of others, as well as aiming to succeed themselves read more…
Please click here to view the full ISI Inspection Report 2023 for Caterham Prep School.
Please click here to view the full ISI Inspection Report 2023 for Caterham School (Senior)