Debating Society in Full Flow
Debating Society is now in full flow with Year 5 and Year 6 pupils making excellent progress with their Debating Skills. We have covered such issues as whether Year 6 pupils should be allowed to wear their own clothes to school, whether you should say ‘thank you’ to a robot waiter and which season is the best. Last week we held our first formal ‘4-way debate’ where each team took a season and had just 20 minutes to construct a speech to convince the judge of their case. The winning team were ‘Spring’ consisting of Ben D, Alex W, Harry B, Alexander L and Gruff. Our focus was on speaking clearly and using our bodies as well as our words to convey our points. Special mentions must go to Shri, Oliver C and Archie for their excellent public speaking skills. We now move on to preparing for the annual Year 5 v Year 6 debate next half term!
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