Open Days & Visits
We are delighted to welcome families to Caterham Prep. We run a range of physical and virtual visitor mornings and evenings in addition to private tours for individual families. Please book into your preferred event below or arrange a private tour of the school.
We offer half termly interactive visitor mornings for families looking at Reception places for their children. These themed Saturday mornings allow children to get involved with fun teacher led activities whilst parents have the opportunity to chat to our team and tour the school.
Forest Friends Family Visitor Morning – Saturday 10 May, 9.00am
Visitor mornings are held on normal working school days so you can see us in action. On arrival, visitors will attend a presentation from the Headmaster giving on overview of life at Caterham Prep before going on a tour of the school by current pupils. Places available will be limited so it is imperative to pre-register for these events. Please click on the dates below to book your place.
Wednesday 24 September, 9.30am
Enjoy a tour of our stunning 200 acre Surrey campus and see the school in action. You are also most welcome to book a private appointment with the Headmaster alongside your tour – please contact Sara Chesterman, Assistant Registrar (Day) via [email protected] to book in a tour.
Every Thursday 9.30 to 10.30am.
Weekly child led woodland play group designed for families of preschool children considering joining Caterham Prep. Based in our outdoor classroom, there is something to spark curiosity in every young adventurer. Activities will be led by our Head of Outdoor Learning and each session will conclude with group story time, perfect for winding down after all the excitement. Refreshments will be available for children and parents/guardians. Please book your place here.
Visit the senior school
Click here for senior school visitor events.
We look forward to welcoming you to Caterham Prep in the future!