Magical Music and Movement Visitor Morning – Saturday 15 March

Magical Music and Movement Visitor Morning – Saturday 15 March

Saturday 15 March, 9.00am to 11.00am for prospective families looking for a Reception place for their child.

Booking is essential as places are strictly limited.

Join us for an exciting family event filled with music, drama, and art activities! Open to prospective families who have applied or are looking for a place in Reception.

Whether you have a child brimming with confidence or one that needs a little encouragement – bring them along to get stuck into some exciting music, drama and art activities led by our award-winning Creative Arts team. The morning will be spent in our Centre for Performing Arts where parents are welcome to participate in the fun alongside their children or can enjoy refreshments and connect with our team and other families.

Discover what makes our provision exceptional and learn more about our school. This event is designed for children aged 2-4 years old.

click here to book your place