Egg-traordinary Problem Solving by Year 1 Scientists

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Egg-traordinary Problem Solving by Year 1 Scientists

Year 1 received an interesting letter this week from Kate in the Pre-Prep kitchen. The eggs in the kitchen...

Renewables Leader Brings Sustainable Energy to Life

Year 6 were treated to visions of a powerful future as Mr Elmes, Head of Business Development at wind...

D of E Volunteers Join Prep Science

We are very pleased to introduce you to Third Year pupils, Abi and Josh who are taking the opportunity...

Back to Rugby After Big Freeze

After the big freeze and cancellations last week the boys were raring to go in our fixtures against Aberdour...

Supporting Sal’s Shoes

It’s time to hook out and dust off your outgrown preloved shoes and send them on to new feet...

Fantastic Hockey Skills in Reception

This week Reception class RC worked on their ball-carrying skills in hockey. The pupils worked hard to remember which...

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