Thank you from Sal’s Shoes

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Thank you from Sal’s Shoes

Many thanks to the Parents’ Association for organising another Sal’s Shoes collection at the start of this term. Our...

Mystery Readers in Year 2

2M enjoyed their first visit from a Mystery Reader this week.  The class were excited to see who the...

U10 Plate Win at Reigate St Mary’s Football Tournament

Well done to the Under 10 Boys football team who won the plate competition at the Reigate St Mary’s...

Power Packed Assembly

During Wednesday’s assembly we were treated to Alexander (Year 6) playing his harp.  We enjoy listening to young musicians...

A New Home for New Ideas

Over the last two weeks, Prep children have been beginning to put the new Prep Innovation Centre through its...

Contemplating Kindness

As the Year 2 children have settled happily into their new classes over the last couple of weeks, they...

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