Year 3 Perform Fantastic Mr Fox

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Year 3 Perform Fantastic Mr Fox

Year 3 wowed us this week with an expressive and energy filled performance of Fantastic Mr Fox. It showcased...

Let’s Get Together!

Last Monday saw the first of our whole school House events when children from Reception to Year 6 gathered...

Fantastic Netball Fixtures with Hawthorns

This week, we had our first block fixture of Netball with Hawthorns.  It was great to see 50 U8s...

Eat Well and Feel Great!

Prep children participated in a Healthy Eating Workshop, learning how to make healthier food choices. The session explored creating...

Eco Warriors Monitor Air Quality

In Year 6, Eco Warriors have been learning about the importance of keeping the air we breathe clean and...

Mrs Jackson’s Winter Storytime Surprise!

On Monday, Mrs Jackson delivered a collection of the children’s favourite winter and Christmas books to every class in...

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