Reception Explore Fairy Tales

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Reception Explore Fairy Tales

The Reception children have thoroughly enjoyed their Fairy tale topic this term. Each week they looked at a different...

Year 1 take on Pointillism

Year 1 have spent the last 2 weeks in Art looking at paintings by George Seurat and trying hard...

Movement Pattern Programme Introduced

We are very excited to announce that Caterham Prep will be pioneering a revolutionary system of movement assessment.  This...

Latest Edition of Monopoly from Digital 3D Design Club

Digital 3D Design club’s latest project has been ‘2020-21 Monopoly’; creating their own pieces for a set to commemorate...

Virtual Orchestral Open Day

This year, our annual Orchestral Open Day was delivered virtually and featured an array of guest speakers from the...

Reading Buddies Links Senior to Prep

Monday saw the successful launch of an exciting new reading initiative between First Year pupils at the Senior School...

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