Year 2 Science Superstars in the Prep Lab

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Year 2 Science Superstars in the Prep Lab

Year 2 had an exciting introduction to Year 3 Science on Wednesday and were treated to colour changes, pops,...

Training and Fixtures Bring Some Fine Football

With glorious weather this week, the girls have had a great time on the football pitch.  The Year 3s...

Inspired by Masterpieces, Year 6 Sculpt Soap

Year 6 have been exploring the world of sculpture and the art of carving inspired by artists Henry Moore,...

RA Young Artists Summer Show Entries

It has been wonderful to see children taking part and submitting entries for this year’s RA Young Artists Summer...

U11 Netballers Win IAPS Tournament Plate

On Thursday the U11 Netball team went to Kent College, Pembury for the IAPS netball tournament. With 16 schools...

Warhol influences Global Artwork

This week the children in 1M have been learning about the American artist Andy Warhol and looking at examples...

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