Tooled Up Education Launch: Digital Resource Library for Parents

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Tooled Up Education Launch: Digital Resource Library for Parents

We are excited to announce the launch of a new collaboration with Tooled Up Education; an inspiring online digital...

Problem Solving Cryptic Clues for Maths Day

Just before half term, all pupils from Reception to Year 6 enjoyed a day of fun maths activities to...

Prep Scientists Experiment in Senior Lab Lessons

Years 3, 4 and 5 were fortunate this week to have the doors of the Senior School Science labs...

Languages Day Celebrates our Diversity

On Friday 24 May we had our Language Day in School. So many nationalities were represented with an array...

Fun Times fundraising for our House Charities

Our Prep School’s vibrant community spirit shone brightly at our keenly anticipated sponsored relay race, where our three Houses—Viewpoint,...

Year 6 Watersports Skills

Just before half term, Year 6 ventured to Aqua Sports on Mercers Lake.  Once they had donned wetsuits and...

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