Cricketers Push on Through Weather to Success

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Cricketers Push on Through Weather to Success

The U8 girls cricket teams pushed on despite the miserable weather conditions on Tuesday afternoon and came away with...

Knight Visits Year 1

As part of our big question ‘What makes our island special?’ Year 1 have been learning all about castles...

Bows to Strings for Year 2 Musicians

During their summer term music lessons, Year 2 have been learning to play the violin and viola with Mr...

Name Plaques Ready for the Kiln

Year 3 excitedly glazed their name plaques ready for their final firing, after spending the last few lessons sculpting them....

Rush Hour Joy

Prep Pupils put on another delightful Rush Hour concert on Thursday. We had several children performing for the first...

Learning about our Partner School Lerang’wa

This year we will be visiting our partnership primary school in Lerang’wa, Tanzania, for the first time since 2019. ...

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