Language Takes Us Around the World in One Day

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Language Takes Us Around the World in One Day

Last Friday saw our vibrant and popular Language Day, where pupils had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the...

Resilient Runners Take Top Spots in Cross Country Fixture

On a very cold Tuesday afternoon our cross country ventured up to Oakhyrst Grange for their invitational cross country...

House Netball

On Wednesday afternoon, Year 6 rounded off the Netball season at the Prep school with House matches. The teams...

The Soderberg Quartet Open Senior Chamber Music Concert

The Music Department was delighted to host our annual Senior School Chamber Music Recital amidst the beautiful space and...

Year 3’s Titanic Story Telling

Year 3 have impressed hugely this week with their script writing skills. Each pupil developed their own character on...

Epic U11A Rugby Boys finish Prep Career Unbeaten

Wednesday saw the curtain come down on the Under 11A rugby season.  A 12 try victory over Russell House...

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