Exploring the World of AI: Engaging Lessons for Years 3-6

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Exploring the World of AI: Engaging Lessons for Years 3-6

Over the next few weeks, our Digital Innovation lessons will delve into the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI),...

Hill Start to Henley Fort at Year 4 Residential

After a quick coach journey to Guildford, the Year 4 pupils trekked up the hill, taking in beautiful views...

Spring Concert

We had a truly memorable Prep Spring Concert in the Humphreys Theatre on Thursday evening. 90 children took part...

Year 1 Meet Sphero Indi

Year 1 had the pleasure of being introduced to Indi, the Sphero robots! These clever little robots have inbuilt...

House Debating Finalists Take to the Stage

The annual House Debating competition took place last Friday 28th April in front of the Prep school.  The finalists...

Natural World and Blue Planet Co-Curricular Club

This week members of the Natural World and Blue Planet Co-Curricular Club began their project looking into African and...

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