Building Oracy & Critical Thinking Skills  at Debating Club

Academic Category

Building Oracy & Critical Thinking Skills  at Debating Club

The Debating Club, a vibrant weekly fixture for our Year 5 and 6 pupils, continues to thrive as a...

Year 2 Storytelling in the Sunshine

Some children from Year 2 had a wonderful time enjoying a bit of storytelling in the glorious sunshine. They...

Sixth Form Abi takes the Floor in the House of Commons

Congratulations to former Prep and now Lower Sixth pupil Abi C who was invited to attend the House of...

The Philosophy Man Builds Critical Thinking and Oracy

This week, we were delighted to welcome Jason Buckley, also known as The Philosophy Man, to our school. Jason led...

Everyday Maths in the Kitchen

Year 6 have been learning about ratio and proportion in their maths lessons recently and looking at how these...

Global Question Prompts Debate in Year 1

1B have been very busy this week. They have been building on their adding and subtracting skills in maths,...

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