Inspired by Masterpieces, Year 6 Sculpt Soap

Art Category

Inspired by Masterpieces, Year 6 Sculpt Soap

Year 6 have been exploring the world of sculpture and the art of carving inspired by artists Henry Moore,...

RA Young Artists Summer Show Entries

It has been wonderful to see children taking part and submitting entries for this year’s RA Young Artists Summer...

Warhol influences Global Artwork

This week the children in 1M have been learning about the American artist Andy Warhol and looking at examples...

What’s on in March?

Mrs Bell’s list of galleries, museums or exhibitions that you may wish to visit this month.   Versailles: Science...

What’s on in February?

Mrs Bell’s list of galleries, museums or exhibitions that you may wish to visit this month. What’s on in...

Heather Hansen Art Inspiration

Year 6 have begun their new project ‘Structures’ in Art. The explored the work of performance artist, Heather Hansen...

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