What’s on in January?

Art Category

What’s on in January?

Mrs Bell’s list of galleries, museums or exhibitions that you may wish to visit this month. What’s on in...

What’s On in December…

Mrs Bell’s list of galleries, museums or exhibitions that you may wish to visit this month. Monet and London:...

Monsters on Show

In Art, Year 3 have been designing their own Colour Monsters this term. This week, they each completed their...

Year 1 Get Festive with Christmas Crafting

Year 1 have embraced the festive spirit by starting their Christmas crafting projects. This week, they began painting their...

Year 2’s Print and Press Art Workshop

On Thursday afternoon, Year 2 had a wonderful time printing with parent visitors Mr Ayres and Mrs De Villiers....

Year 2 Jump into the world of Colour

In Art, Year 2 have been exploring the exciting world of colour mixing. The children had lots of fun...

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