Mrs Bell’s What’s on in March?

Art Category

Mrs Bell’s What’s on in March?

Mrs Bell’s list of galleries, museums or exhibitions that you may wish to visit this month.   Gabrielle Chanel....

Exploring New Techniques at Painting Club

We have been having so much fun in Painting Club, learning new techniques and different ways to paint…we haven’t...

Half Term Activities to Do and Things to see!

If you are looking for some things to do this half term we have some suggestions for you! Year...

Art Competition – What makes me, me?

For this year’s Pre-Prep and Prep Art competition pupils are asked to create an artwork which represents you. 

Ancient Aboriginal Art Inspiration

Year 2 have been exploring more texture work in their recent art lessons and have been looking at Aboriginal...

Portfolio Club Plate Print

Portfolio Club children were so excited to experiment with gel plate printing this week. They produced some fantastic layered...

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