House Debating Finalists Take to the Stage

Co-Curricular Category

House Debating Finalists Take to the Stage

The annual House Debating competition took place last Friday 28th April in front of the Prep school.  The finalists...

Natural World and Blue Planet Co-Curricular Club

This week members of the Natural World and Blue Planet Co-Curricular Club began their project looking into African and...

Helping our Planet

This week saw Stop Food Waste Day and our catering department marked the day by inspiring us with a...

Visiting Speakers Help Us to Understand Energy Efficiency

Last Monday, we had two exciting visitors to talk to our eco-warriors; Mrs Dunn and Mrs Garran. Mrs Garran...

Innovation Pioneers club

Our lunchtime Innovation Pioneers club brings together children from Years 3 to 6 to follow their passions and try...

D of E Volunteers Join Prep Science

We are very pleased to introduce you to Third Year pupils, Abi and Josh who are taking the opportunity...

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