RPG Club, Telling Tales and Celebrating Fails

Co-Curricular Category

RPG Club, Telling Tales and Celebrating Fails

Collaborative Storytelling and Role Playing Games (RPG) Club is about making up and telling stories together, with the dice...

Junior Green Team Share Their Environmental Voice

Our junior green team reps from each class in the Prep School met today to share their views and...

Energetic Fun at Team Games Club

Team Games Club has got off to an energetic start this term with the cold weather not stopping the...

Creativity and Collaboration Bring New Design for Goblin Car

Pupils worked incredibly hard during the Autumn term to create a fantastic new theme for the Goblin car race....

Eco Warriors Monitor Air Quality

In Year 6, Eco Warriors have been learning about the importance of keeping the air we breathe clean and...

Prints in Portfolio Club

Portfolio Club have been having a wonderful time learning about the Lino printing process. They have got the hang...

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