Exploring New Techniques at Painting Club

Co-Curricular Category

Exploring New Techniques at Painting Club

We have been having so much fun in Painting Club, learning new techniques and different ways to paint…we haven’t...

Eco Clubs Across the School Meet Up

This week our Year 6 eco-warriors and junior green team met to discuss current eco issues. This is their...

Creative and Critical Thinking Club

Last week saw the start of our new Creative and Critical Thinking Club with Year 5 children. Here we...

A Gathering of Goblins

This week the new Goblin Car crew picked up the project from the Autumn Term team, inheriting the instructions,...

Full Participation at Debating Society

It has been a busy term at Prep Debating Society.  Members have been working hard on their public speaking...

Rugged Robot Gets an Upgrade

If you follow Mr Lang’s Prep Innovation channel on X, you will have seen his post a couple of...

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