Exploring the World of AI: Engaging Lessons for Years 3-6

Digital EDGE Category

Exploring the World of AI: Engaging Lessons for Years 3-6

Over the next few weeks, our Digital Innovation lessons will delve into the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI),...

Year 1 Meet Sphero Indi

Year 1 had the pleasure of being introduced to Indi, the Sphero robots! These clever little robots have inbuilt...

Are you ready for your interview, Mr Attenborough?

Our curious and independent Year 2 pupils have been exploring the wonders of the world from the comfort of...

Year 1 Coding Collaboration

1D had great fun in their digital innovation lesson this week, exploring a coding program called ‘ScratchJr’. The children...

Innovation Pioneers club

Our lunchtime Innovation Pioneers club brings together children from Years 3 to 6 to follow their passions and try...

Digital Innovation Bee-Bots in Year 1

In Digital Innovation today, 1C had so much fun exploring the bee-bots. We made mazes, built bridges and collaborated...

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