Reception Code to Solve Challenges

Digital Innovation Category

Reception Code to Solve Challenges

A team of enthusiastic Reception pupils got to work testing out STEM education equipment including TacTile coding blocks to...

CARPA Robotics Challenge

The CARPA (Caterham Advanced Research Projects Agency) Robot Grand Challenge kicked off last week, as teams worked on their...

Year 2 Digital Innovation Games

Year 2 were buzzing in their Digital Innovation lesson as they started to explore how games work. There was...

Coding is Definitely NOT fun!

Some of our Year 6 coders asked if they could come in at lunchtime last week to play with...

Innovation Centre Open for New Ideas

Prep had their first lessons in the new Prep Innovation Centre this week, talking about how to keep safe...

Year 6 Digital Innovation – Paper View

After months of planning, research, discussion and skills-acquisition, Year 6 have begun work on their original apps, designed to...

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