Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies

Drama Category

Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies

What a bunch of confident, capable and collaborative Year 4 we have this year. They all rose to the...

Hats Off to Year 1!

This week, our talented Year 1 pupils took to the stage for their delightful production of Hats Off! Four...

Tackling The Tempest with Gusto!

Year 5 have embraced Shakespeare’s final masterpiece ‘The Tempest’ with gusto. They have enjoyed workshopping ideas, sharing roles and...

Year 3’s Titanic Story Telling

Year 3 have impressed hugely this week with their script writing skills. Each pupil developed their own character on...

Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies in Rehearsal

Year 4 have truly developed their ability to collaborate with enthusiasm and commitment in Drama/Music rehearsals for their show....

Oliver Auditions!

A huge well done to all pupils in Year 6 who have been busy preparing and auditioning for Oliver....

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