The Romans have arrived!

Global Category

The Romans have arrived!

Year 3 spent Thursday immersing themselves in Roman life.  They made bread, biscuits and cakes to Roman recipes, they...

Year 6 Visit London Docklands Museum

Last Friday, Year 6 embarked on a trip to the London Docklands Museum to deepen their understanding of their...

Waste to Watts at Beddington

This week, Year 4 pupils had the opportunity to visit the Beddington Energy Recovery Facility, and it was an...

Global Question Prompts Debate in Year 1

1B have been very busy this week. They have been building on their adding and subtracting skills in maths,...

Sparrows in Year 1’s Spotlight

This week, the Year 1 children excitedly moved from the Outdoor Classroom to the new story circle to listen,...

Leading the Global AI Conversation at BETT 2025

Sharing best practice and cutting-edge innovations in EdTech and AI has been the order of this week as delegations...

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