Teamwork in Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning Category

Teamwork in Outdoor Learning

While half of the class had their turn on the climbing wall, the rest of Year 5 worked on...

Ladder Leadership

This week in Outdoor Learning, Year 6 have been developing their leadership skills and taking control of a group...

Lots to Learn in the Forest Classroom

This week all the Pre-Prep children have been enjoying the ‘new’ Outdoor Classroom. They have all been amazed by...

Tidy Up Time in the Outdoor Classroom

Year 5 and 6 boys’ fixtures may have been cancelled this week due to the weather but this didn’t...

Year 4 Perform at the Orchard Theatre

In their outdoor learning lessons, Year 4 have been using natural resources to make fire sticks and other props...

Raising the Roof in Outdoor Learning

This week in outdoor learning, Year 6 had to use teamwork, cooperation, communication and problem-solving skills to make a...

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