Alma Thomas Inspires Pre-Prep

Outdoor Learning Category

Alma Thomas Inspires Pre-Prep

The children have been learning about Alma Thomas. She was an inspiring, African American artist who painted abstract pictures...

Team Building Tasks

Last week Year 6 took to the woods for an action-packed day of activities. They learnt how to work...

Pre-Prep Grow Their Tree Knowledge

Pre-Prep have been learning to identify the trees in our outdoor space.  They have been looking at the leaves,...

We Did it! Eco-Schools Award with Distinction

Our Eco-Warrior Committee are very proud to announce that they have been awarded their Eco-Schools Award with distinction. This...

Message in a Bottle

Many of you have been helping to collect bottle caps over the past few years and we have now...

Year 5 Adventure at Henley Fort

SCROLL DOWN FOR THE PHOTO LIBRARY This week, Year 5 left for their first residential trip to Henley Fort....

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