Year 2 Work on Their Cricket Skills

Pre-Prep Category

Year 2 Work on Their Cricket Skills

Year 2 have been enjoying learning and honing a variety of cricket skills over the last few weeks; good...

Snap a hug in Pre-Prep Photography Club

The Year 2 children in Photography Club have been taking photographs of ‘hugs’ with a friend or individually hugging...

Problem Solving Cryptic Clues for Maths Day

Just before half term, all pupils from Reception to Year 6 enjoyed a day of fun maths activities to...

Knight Visits Year 1

As part of our big question ‘What makes our island special?’ Year 1 have been learning all about castles...

Relaxation at Mindfulness Yoga Club

The Pre-Prep children are very ‘Zen’ at the moment, enjoying being mindful and relaxed after a day at school....

Beliefs Week: Time Out in the Thinking Tent

This week was Beliefs Week at Prep and the theme was, “It Matters To Me.” Each class in Years...

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