Year 6 Open Their Eyes to the Wonders of Light

Science Category

Year 6 Open Their Eyes to the Wonders of Light

Year 6 are studying all aspects of light. It is a fascinating topic which has taken us from learning...

Year 2 Science Superstars in the Prep Lab

Year 2 had an exciting introduction to Year 3 Science on Wednesday and were treated to colour changes, pops,...

Budding Palaeontologists Make Stunning Discovery

Two budding palaeontologists in Year 3, Max and Rafe, made a stunning discovery last weekend as they were digging...

Year 3 Super Soil Studies

Our Year 3 scientists have been studying rocks and soils and they conducted an experiment to compare soils from...

Breakfast Club – Batfink Makes a Surprise Visit

The Reception children have been reading the book ‘Batfink’ this week. As a surprise ‘Batfink’ decided to pay a...

Eco Warriors Monitor Air Quality

In Year 6, Eco Warriors have been learning about the importance of keeping the air we breathe clean and...

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