Exploring the World of AI: Engaging Lessons for Years 3-6

Technology Category

Exploring the World of AI: Engaging Lessons for Years 3-6

Over the next few weeks, our Digital Innovation lessons will delve into the fascinating world of Artificial Intelligence (AI),...

Year 1 Meet Sphero Indi

Year 1 had the pleasure of being introduced to Indi, the Sphero robots! These clever little robots have inbuilt...

Coding is Definitely NOT fun!

Some of our Year 6 coders asked if they could come in at lunchtime last week to play with...

Be Internet Legends

As we start a new school year, every year group has been going through our Acceptable Use Agreement (if...

Innovation Centre Open for New Ideas

Prep had their first lessons in the new Prep Innovation Centre this week, talking about how to keep safe...

Year 6 Wind Power Project

On Friday 14 January, Year 6 scientists saw the culmination of their hard work on their STEM project –...

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