Safer Internet Day 2024

Safer Internet Day 2024

Pre-Prep Learns About Online Safety
Our Pre-Prep children participated in an assembly dedicated to online safety. The session was designed to introduce them to the basics of safe internet use, emphasizing the importance of being cautious and respectful online.
Prep Pupils and Microsoft Teams Search Progress
In the Prep School, children have started to be introduced to a new tool within Microsoft Teams called ‘Search Progress’. This feature, specifically developed for education, allows pupils to better manage their learning and research online. It helps them track their searches, making it easier for them to assess and compare the value and validity of online sources when researching online and to revisit previous queries and resources. This tool not only aids in efficient learning but also fosters digital literacy, teaching them to be discerning and organised in the vast expanse of the internet.
Journey to Interland with Google’s ‘Be Internet Legends’
Additionally, our pupils have been invited to explore Google’s ‘Be Internet Legends’ – a comprehensive online platform. This interactive resource, available at Be Internet Awesome, offers an engaging way for children to learn about internet safety. Through videos, games, and other interactive content, it covers key areas such as cyberbullying, phishing, privacy, and more.
Parents are encouraged to explore this resource with their children. It offers a fun yet educational way to discuss online safety and digital etiquette at home. By engaging with these resources together, families can reinforce the importance of responsible internet use.
Encouraging a Safe Digital Environment
As our children grow up in an increasingly digital world, it’s crucial to equip them with the skills and knowledge to navigate it safely. We believe that by integrating these resources and tools into our curriculum and inviting parents to continue the conversation at home, we’re taking a holistic approach to fostering a safe and positive digital environment for our pupils.
Let’s all work together to ensure our children not only stay safe online but also become respectful and responsible digital citizens
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