Debating News
This week in Debating Society, members worked in groups to try and establish a new law. They had to decide what law they would introduce and write a persuasive speech to prove that their idea was the most important. The laws proposed were:
- To ban the sale of axolotls (a type of salamander) as they are endangered.
- That university should be free for all.
- To require people to plant a seed every time they eat a piece of fruit.
- That smoking should be banned.
All groups worked well to put together a persuasive speech and accompanying powerpoint under a very tight time limit. The audience vote supported the ban on axolotls and the judge agreed with this decision. William, George and Henry made a powerful case for protecting this very unusual and endangered creature. Their speech contained evidence to support their case as well as many persuasive language techniques.
Next week sees the long-awaited House Debating Final! Viewpoint A take on Foxburrow A to debate whether violent protests can ever be justified.