Dr Sharpe Shares Strategies for National Improvement at IAPS Conference
Last week Dr Sharpe and Mr Lang travelled to Oxford to speak at an IAPS conference hosted by Dr Sharpe on practical steps for supporting pupils with specific learning needs in the classroom. They are both subject specialist advisors for IAPS (and its 650 member schools) and speak regularly at events and conferences throughout the year as part of their advisory roles. Although much of the conference was focused on specific strategies to support children with dyslexia, ASD or other specific learning needs, a critical thread running through it is that good support benefits all learners and enables every child to flourish. This is something that we believe at Caterham Prep and which our children will see in the classroom every day. With teachers gathering from across the UK to look at strategies to improve teaching and learning at their own schools, conferences such as this highlight Caterham Prep’s growing reputation on the national for wellbeing, innovation and high-quality teaching.