Eco Schools Silver Award
Our Eco-Warriors have been working tirelessly over the last few weeks to achieve the Eco-Schools Silver Award before the end of the summer term. In order to achieve this award we had to complete a set of criteria. Our eco-committee had to come up with an eco-code for our school and we had to have a virtual notice board or a real notice board displaying all our work. We also had to show that we had completed an environmental audit and developed an action plan from this audit. Even though we are unable to meet in person the children are set up on a team in Microsoft Teams where they can post suggestions and talk about environmental concerns. Each class now has two eco-warriors who are responsible for reminding all class members to switch off lights, recycle, save their fruit peels for the compost bin and be eco-ambassadors. This was evidenced last Tuesday when Year 4 went on a trip to Godstone Farm and straight after lunch the children sorted out all of their rubbish into recycling, compostable rubbish and general rubbish thanks to the Year 4 eco-warrior class reps. Well done to all of our eco-warriors.