Embracing Languages

Embracing Languages

For the past few weeks all of the children from Year 2-6 have been battling it out on Languagenut for the June competition. It has been thrilling and exciting watching the scores and hearing comments from the children about how much Languagenut they have been doing. What has been even more exciting is the enthusiasm that has been generated by languages in the Prep School. Many children asked if they could try different languages and have been giving these different languages a go.

Special congratulations must go to Cicero in Year 4 who came 25th in the entire competition. The top 30 places will be receiving an Amazon voucher so he can look forward to that in the near future. Caterham Prep School came in an impressive position of 22nd in the whole competition. A massive congratulations must go to the following pupils who scored very highly indeed and were the top 10 pupils in Caterham Prep School:

Amir M Year 5

Noah M Year 3

Kiaan P Year 4

Evangelina S Year 4

Priya N Year 4

Nyah P Year 4

Isabella M Year 4

Imaani J Year 3

Amaara J Year 4

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