Fun, Skills, and Sunshine (Kind of!) at Pre-Prep Sports Events

Fun, Skills, and Sunshine (Kind of!) at Pre-Prep Sports Events

This week, we were treated to a burst of energy and excitement as our Pre-Prep pupils enjoyed their sports events. Despite the clouds, the blue sky managed to peek through just in time for Reception, Year 1, and Year 2 to take turns showcasing their skills.

Each year group had an hour of fun-filled activities where the pupils enthusiastically participated in a carousel of sports. They showed off their shooting, balancing, and hitting skills, impressing everyone with what they’ve learned this year. It was amazing to see their progress and confidence in action!

The excitement didn’t stop there. The hurdle and sprint races had everyone cheering as the pupils raced with determination and smiles. The final relays were a fantastic display of teamwork and speed, bringing lots of cheers from the crowd.

A big thank you to all the parents who came to support and cheer. 

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