Mighty Eco Warriors Set Their Sights on Worthing Beach

Mighty Eco Warriors Set Their Sights on Worthing Beach

On Saturday, a group of intrepid Eco-Warriors from the Prep School embarked on the inaugural Caterham Prep School beach clean-up. Armed with litter pick-up sticks, black bin bags, gloves, water bottles, packed lunches, and sunscreen, we set off to Worthing Beach. We were fortunate enough to enjoy beautiful weather for our venture.

After an hour’s drive, we spent several hours meticulously picking up litter along Worthing Beachfront. Our day was punctuated with snack and lunch breaks, allowing us to recharge and continue our efforts.

Before disposing of the 6kg of collected litter, we analyzed the types of waste we found and compiled the data into a spreadsheet. Many passersby stopped to compliment our work and express their amazement at our efforts, noting the valuable lesson we were teaching the children. These children ranged from Year 3 to Year 6 and many expressed how much they enjoyed the day.  This beach clean up formed part of the award process for the Ocean Friendly Schools Award which we have been awarded for 2023-24. Many thanks to Mr Dyer for helping to support the Eco-Warriors on this day.

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