PGL Here we Come!

PGL Here we Come!

Year 5 pupils excitedly boarded the bus to Liddington for their weekend residential to PGL after some clinging skills on the Jacobs Ladder and climbing wall and some fun adventures in the prep woods. Once we arrived, rooms were allocated and it was time for a hearty dinner followed with an evening activity involving groups working together to stop a water balloon from popping using lots of different materials. Lights out at 9.30pm and day one was over.

The second day started with an earlier than scheduled start and a full English breakfast! All the pupils pushed themselves to climb as high as they could on a super tall vertical challenge. Lots of jumping and laughter followed with games of aeroball. Many Robin Hoods were found with some excellent accurate archers in the year group and all pupils improved throughout the session. The final activity completed was making a raft using certain materials and completing challenges. A wet and entertaining activity with lots of laughter. The evening activity found pupils searching for different countries flags followed by answering questions on that country. An earlier bedtime and day two was completed.

Day three came and a much sleepier group woke up to the adventures of abseiling and laser rage where the pupils loved having to overcome fears and complete challenges to tag members of the other team before many chose to jump in the lake! Teamwork was key again as the children worked out how to complete a series of challenges on the sensory trail while having their sight taken away and shouts of fear and delight as they swung from the heights on the giant swing. A final evening activity had to be changed but this did not stop the children throwing themselves into a game of archery tag enabling them to work on accuracy, teamwork and communication.

A final morning wake up call and it was time to pack. The last two activities were problem solving and a giant zip wire making the children feel like they were flying. Time to board the coach and a sleepy journey back to school.

They all did so well in pushing themselves outside of their comfort zones, helping each other and encouraging others. We couldn’t be prouder of all the pupils and hope they have made memories to last a lifetime.

Well done Year 5!

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