

At Caterham Prep, children from Year 2 to Year 6 enjoy weekly Art lessons in our dedicated Art room, led by a specialist Art teacher. These lessons give pupils the opportunity to develop their imagination, creativity, observational skills, analytical and problemsolving skills whilst also continually gaining a deeper knowledge and understanding of a range of media, processes, art and artists.   They explore a wide variety of themes, often linked to their Global topics, giving them the chance to make connections across subjects. Children experiment with a range of media, including painting, printmaking, textiles, and digital art. Additionally, each year group has the opportunity to work on a ceramics project, glazing and firing their own work in our kiln.

Beyond the curriculum, we offer co-curricular creative clubs- a weekly Art club aimed at Year 3 and 4 pupils, and another dedicated to Year 5 and 6 pupils. For those interested in developing their artistic skills further, we also run an after-school stretch and challenge Portfolio Club aimed at pupils considering applying for an 11+ Art scholarship.

Our pupils participate in local and national Art competitions ranging from the East Surrey MP’s Christmas Card competition to the Royal Academy of Arts Young Artists Summer Show. In addition, some of their artwork has also been displayed in our local community. Our goal for art education is to promote enjoyment, creativity and developing skills which will last a lifetime

LATEST Art NEWSSee all updates

Inspired by Masterpieces, Year 6 Sculpt Soap

RA Young Artists Summer Show Entries

Warhol influences Global Artwork