

Drama is central to pupils learning at Caterham Prep, through Drama pupils reinforce topic work, they develop their speaking and listening skills and they strengthen literacy. 

Pupils from Reception to Year 6 have a Drama lesson each week. Drama lessons take place in the many great performance spaces across the school including the purpose built prep drama studio. Pupils explore stories, characters and develop the skills needed to shape, create and perform. As pupils progress through the school, they explore a range of play texts including Shakespeare, they learn about a range of Drama genres/styles, and they delve into the history of theatre. Drama strives to build pupils’ confidence, communication skills and ability to collaborate effectively with others. Through commitment and curiosity pupils will learn new ways to present and perform, building valuable life skills for the future. 


Here at Caterham Prep we run a successful and fun filled LAMDA program. Pupils in Years 3-6 are given the opportunity to sign up for LAMDA clubs during a lunchtime or after school slot. Pupils explore a wide range of disciplines in LAMDA lessons from Speaking of Verse and Prose, Drama for Performance, Solo and Duologue Acting and Presenting. Pupils can take exams in all these disciplines and most pupils take 2-3 exams a year. LAMDA builds confidence and independence on stage. It teaches pupils to present themselves well and communicate effectively with an audience. 

Drama Clubs 

We run a rich co-curricular programme in Drama with pupils getting the opportunity to take part in fun lunchtime or after school clubs. Dance clubs are offered by our specialist Performing Arts assistant and are very popular. Drama club pupils also prepare an annual pantomime performed for the rest of the school. 


Drama is an essential part of the curriculum at Caterham Prep. Each year group gets to perform their own production on stage each year. This year group show is a time for all the children to come together, for pupils to build their collaboration skills and understand the important of commitment and confidence on stage. Productions take place in our beautiful Soderberg Hall and Year 6 get to perform on the big stage in the impressive 330 seat Humphreys Theatre.  Recent productions have included Matilda, Shrek and The Lion King. We are currently working on productions of Oliver, Fantastic Mr Fox and we are excited to start Year 5’s Shakespearean piece which will be based on The Tempest. Pupils are also invited to perform on the outdoor stage at the senior school Orchard Theatre Festival in the Summer Term.

Click here to view some of our wonderful productions

LATEST Drama NEWSSee all updates

Robin Hood and the Sherwood Hoodies

Hats Off to Year 1!

Tackling The Tempest with Gusto!