

Sport has always been a central part of life at Caterham Prep. We provide a broad, balanced sports programme with an inclusive and coeducational approach. It is tailored to prepare each child for a lifelong involvement in sport and physical activity, promoting confidence, health and wellbeing.

In order for each child to find the sport he or she does best, they should be provided with a full range of opportunities. For a child to do well in sport, they need to have talent, but they also require motivation, enjoyment and focus. All of this is encouraged from an early age at Caterham Prep.

Sport, of course, plays a key role in developing life skills. Teamwork, communication, testing ourselves to the limit, maintaining concentration and stamina are all important. It is also essential to keep young bodies fit and healthy as they grow. The skills developed at an early age can provide each individual with the ability to stay fit and healthy throughout life.

Your child will be given unrivalled opportunities to pursue sport both here and at the Senior School. We have a variety of sports for pupils of all abilities; and our excellent facilities and the diverse skills of our highly trained staff enable us to offer a wide variety of sports and activities. We hope your child finds at least one absorbing interest from which he or she can derive that sense of achievement so vital to the development of self-confidence.

In the Prep School in Games the boys play Football, Rugby and Hockey in the first two terms while the girls play Hockey, Netball and Football, the girls are also given an introduction to Lacrosse. In the Summer Term both the boys and girls play Cricket and enjoy a comprehensive Athletics programme. Throughout the year the children also swim in lessons and have the opportunity to take part in swim squads before and after school.

In addition to all these sports the children are also introduced to a Fundamental Movement programme. The Fundamental Movement System  captures fundamental movements, motor control within movement patterns, and assesses competence of basic movements uncomplicated by specific skills. It determines the greatest areas of movement deficiency, demonstrates limitations or asymmetries, and then correlates these with an outcome. We retrain the body and importantly the brain to improve movement efficiency to re-establish sound movement patterns.

All boys and girls, regardless of ability, take part in a very busy fixture list against other Prep Schools in the area in all sports. These experiences are invaluable in forming bonds with their team mates and creating a healthy relationship with other schools. 


LATEST Sport NEWSSee all updates

Girls Football is Flying!

Football Fixture Focus

Johanna & Benji Lead U11 Victories at District Cross Country