

Caterham is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.

Quiz Night

Last week’s quiz saw a long-awaited win for Webster Wells Warriors and Friends in a brilliant night of spirited competition! Well done. ...

Superhero Award

Caterham School Parents’ Association are delighted to announce their new Superhero Award. This is an opportunity for parents, pupils, staff or OCs to nominate someone special within our...

Kms For St Catherine’s

At the time of writing, unbelievably, we are just 1051km from Tanzania!  The Caterham community’s effort to cross 9942km of land...

Beautiful Artwork for the NHS

A huge thank you to all the children who contributed a picture to brighten the walls of the Croydon...

Poetry By Heart National Final

Following a superb performance and win by former Prep pupil Charlie S in the Senior School Poetry by Heart competition with The Sleepy...

Academic Shorts

The fascinating series of Academic Shorts from teachers, pupils and Old Caterhamians continues apace. The insight, depth of knowledge and genuine...


We are incredibly proud of Old Caterhamian Professor Nicholas Hart for his amazing, lifesaving work treating Boris Johnson and...

Caterham Key Workers

Caterham key worker parent Peter B (dad to Lucy) helped with a very special delivery in his newly assigned...

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