Chamber Choir Performs at St. Christopher’s Festival
ETS once again performed superbly at St. Christopher’s festival and were admired by all of the other children from...
Caterham is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.
ETS once again performed superbly at St. Christopher’s festival and were admired by all of the other children from...
Congratulations to Zachary who celebrated a notable success when he participated in The Southern Counties Drama Festival. Zachary was...
Year 2 had an exciting start to their new history topic on the Plague and the Great Fire of...
Oh what a beautiful morning! Nursery bravely and boldly ventured into the woods this morning in search of bluebells....
Caterham School’s Humphreys Theatre was transformed into Rydell High School last week as Greasers slouched on the bleachers, the...
Team GB Athlete Richard Buck spent the day at Caterham School coaching the School’s sports men and women. Richard...