

Caterham is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.

Year 6 Visit London Docklands Museum

Last Friday, Year 6 embarked on a trip to the London Docklands Museum to deepen their understanding of their...

Year 2 Storytelling in the Sunshine

Some children from Year 2 had a wonderful time enjoying a bit of storytelling in the glorious sunshine. They...

Year 2 Check Out Prep Library

Year 2 had an exciting visit to the Prep School library this week! They learned how the library operates...

Tackling The Tempest with Gusto!

Year 5 have embraced Shakespeare’s final masterpiece ‘The Tempest’ with gusto. They have enjoyed workshopping ideas, sharing roles and...

Football Fixture Focus

The U8s continue to work hard on the football pitch and had a fixture with Hawthorns on Tuesday, there...

Super & Classic Car Sunday Lines Up

We were thrilled to host our annual Super & Classic Car Sunday, featuring an incredible lineup of both modern...

Molly’s Energy Boost for Battery Recycling Initiative

In our ongoing efforts to stay eco-friendly, we collect used batteries each year to prevent them from ending up...

Reception Celebrate 100th Day of School

On Thursday, our Reception pupils marked a significant milestone—their 100th day of school! The day was filled with excitement,...

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