Paw-some Fun in Reception!
Reception is coming to the end of two fabulous weeks filled with fun and learning all about bears! They...
Caterham is a school where there is always lots going on. We are proud of all of our pupils – here are some particular stories and achievements to share with you.
Reception is coming to the end of two fabulous weeks filled with fun and learning all about bears! They...
Last Friday saw our vibrant and popular Language Day, where pupils had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the...
On a very cold Tuesday afternoon our cross country ventured up to Oakhyrst Grange for their invitational cross country...
On Wednesday afternoon, Year 6 rounded off the Netball season at the Prep school with House matches. The teams...
The Music Department was delighted to host our annual Senior School Chamber Music Recital amidst the beautiful space and...
Year 3 have impressed hugely this week with their script writing skills. Each pupil developed their own character on...